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Ethan G

Therapy Assistant

Ethan G has been working with youth and children for 14 years in a variety of roles and has been a therapy assistant at Knights of the Shed since 2023.  He enjoys watching youth grow and share with others throughout the set activities and build self-confidence in their abilities. 

Ethan G is currently in his second year of studying Social Work at the University of Tasmania. He has also almost completed a Certificate IV in Peer Mental Health. His lived experience is with Bipolar Disorder and OCD. 

Ethan G has a love for all things fantasy, with a particular love for books written by Brandon Sanderson. He also loves all things circus and has spent time learning aerial skills. While not having a particular talent for this, he has enough enthusiasm to enjoy it anyway. 

Ethan G’s goal for the future is to become a counsellor for teenagers and youth who are struggling with mental health and illness. He is also interested in blending this counselling with his Certificate IV in Fitness to create a more holistic treatment method that supports both physical and mental health.