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Knights of the Shed Program Manager

Ashe is a registered teacher and worked for 20+ years across primary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges.  She has been an Alternative Learning Teacher (specialising in supporting access to learning for highly disengaged students) and Support Teacher (specialising in supporting access to learning for students with disability), Advanced Skills Teacher in Autism and Inclusion, and in various roles pertaining to Student Support in the Department for Education, Children and Young People.  She has delivered regular professional learning in Inclusive Education, Disability, Trauma and Behaviour Support to audiences including school staff, community groups and parents.  Ashe has provided consultancy to the development of Autism CRC’s InclusionED website for educators and has extensive experience in managing complex student cases with a variety of stakeholders.

As the program manager for Knights of the Shed, Ashe is responsible for monitoring the delivery and evaluation of all social skills programs.