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Therapeutic Activity Based Social Skills Programs

Theoretical Foundations of Knights of the Shed

Knights of the Shed’s approach to social skills development draws upon a multifaceted understanding of human behaviour and learning. Here’s a breakdown of their key theoretical influences:

Understanding Behaviour

Functional Behaviour Assessment: Looks beyond the behaviour itself to identify its underlying purpose or function, allowing for tailored, effective interventions.

Circle of Security: Emphasises secure attachment relationships as crucial for healthy social-emotional development.

Cognitive Foundations

Executive Functioning: Stresses the importance of planning, self-regulation, and problem-solving skills which are essential for navigating social interactions.

Cognitive Profile Differences: Recognises that individuals learn and process information differently, necessitating individualised support strategies.

Trauma-Informed Care

Neurobiology of Trauma: Acknowledges how past adverse experiences shape brain development and can impact social-emotional skills. This understanding fosters sensitivity and appropriate support.

Positive Strategies

Positive Behaviour Support: Emphasises proactive strategies and reinforcement to encourage desired behaviours and build long-term skills.

Double Empathy: Recognises the importance of understanding both the perspectives of the individual and the caregivers to build collaborative, supportive environments.

Developmental Frameworks

Experiential Learning: Advocates for hands-on activities and real-world scenarios to optimise the learning and practice of social skills.

Developmental Psychology: Leverages theories of child development (e.g., Erikson, Piaget, Maslow) to align strategies with age-appropriate milestones and needs.

Overall, Knights of the Shed demonstrates a strong theoretical foundation, combining insights from behavioural psychology, cognitive science, trauma-informed care, and developmental psychology. This allows them to create a holistic and adaptable approach to supporting individuals with diverse social-emotional needs.