Violence, Harm, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination Policy and Procedure

Violence, Harm, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination Policy and Procedure

Knights of the Shed recognises the right of all participants to feel safe and to exist in an environment that protects them from assault, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or any other form of harm or abuse. People with disabilities, children and young people are some of the most vulnerable groups in our society. Knights of the Shed must and will identify, consult and respond to instances where persons with disabilities, children or young people are being harmed or are at risk of significant harm.

Step 1:

Worker providing services identifies an incident or an allegation of an incident is reported to the worker.

Step 2:

Worker provides immediate response to ensure the safety and wellbeing of impacted person.

Step 3:

Worker follows incident management system processes.

  • Reporting incident to relevant personnel.
  • Protecting evidence
  • Notifying an impacted person’s support person or family
  • Contacting Police or other relevant authorities

Step 4:

Relevant personnel undertake assessment of incident.

Step 5:

Relevant personnel determine if incident should be reported

Relevant personnel to make a notification to NDIS Commission and comply with reportable incident process.

Provider initiates action in response to incident

For reportable incidents keep NDIS Commission updated, and respond to requests and directions.