Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Policy

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Policy

At Knights of the Shed we:

  • listen to your story, your needs and values before asking questions
  • check with you on how to act in a culturally respectful manner
  • determine how to communicate effectively (verbal and non-verbal)
  • ask you how you want to be connected to your community and respect the importance you attach to your family and kinship system 
  • establish rapport and engage with those you consider important in your life, such as Elders, family members, or other community members
  • recognise that your connection to culture may evolve 
  • accept when you prefer to be supported by your family and community.  Work collaboratively to build your confidence and capacity to do so
  • are aware that your experience, attitudes and beliefs related to identity are not a “norm”. We do not make assumptions or impose our personal views on you
  • recognise the complexity of working in a cross-cultural context and are aware of how our judgements and biases may affect our behaviour 
  • Identify and listen to those with cultural knowledge who can help us better understand culture, kinship system and community
  • accept and are comfortable with “not knowing” how things are perceived from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander perspective.