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Policies & Procedures

Information for Support Workers attending sessions with mutual clients at Knights of the Shed:

Knights of the Shed adheres to the:

The NDIS Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct requires workers and providers who deliver NDIS supports to:

  • act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making in accordance with relevant laws and conventions
  • respect the privacy of people with disability
  • provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill
  • act with integrity, honesty, and transparency
  • promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that might have an impact on the quality and safety of supports provided to people with disability
  • take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse of people with disability
  • take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.
  • Privacy Statement

    Knights of the Shed is committed to protecting the privacy of an individual’s personal information.

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  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Policy

    At Knights of the Shed we listen to your story, your needs and values before asking questions.

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  • Individual Values and Beliefs Policy

    Our Individual Values and Beliefs Policy focuses on the inclusiveness of all community groups…

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  • Violence, Harm, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination Policy and Procedure

    Knights of the Shed recognises the right of all participants to feel safe and to exist in an environment that protects them…

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  • Support Workers MOU & Briefing Procedure and Policy

    Knights of the Shed recognises the right of all participants to feel safe and to exist in an environment that protects them…

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